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Showing posts from March, 2009

Still Love Me, Sasquatch?

We're still fighting the virus -- now it's Lizzy's turn. While our family continues to battle this viral beast, I am in limbo. I can't focus... can barely think. Instead of Discover Magazine and Frontline, my head-space can only accommodate Us Magazine and Hottest Bikini Beaches. Thus, work today is slow-going. So I will leave you with these few Family Bites I've collected over the last few days. Because it's all I can handle. -------------------- Samantha: "Mommy, you're more beautiful than princess stuff. If you have short, short hair, or loooong, long hair you're still beautiful. When you wear cool t-shirts -- and pants -- you're beautiful. Even when you're naked you're beautiful. Me: "Wow, even then ?" Samantha: "Yes!" Me: "Thank you, Samantha. What a nice thing to say." Samantha: "You love me, right?" Me: "I love you so much!" Samantha: "I'm saying nice things to make you ...

Cotton in a Wheelchair

I caught the virus from hell this past week. Let me tell you -- sitting in the Urgent Care lobby makes for interesting people watching. More than once I had the thought, Don't sit next to me... don't sit next to me... (I know -- not very charitable.) Like the time the loud, cigarette-scented husband returned to find his wife still sitting in the lobby and asked, irritated, "You're still here?!" He was all amped up and insensitive and generating drama. Go away. Then there was the 18 year-old slacker boyfriend who couldn't put down his cell phone and barely acknowledged his girlfriend when she was ready to leave. He had an angry, disinterested look about him and I had this sudden thought: What if one of my girls dates him someday? Followed by the thought, I hate him and I will do everything to destroy him and his relationship with my daughter. Go figure. Must have been the virus talking. There was also the Springer-Family-Audition- Rejects (husband, wife, m...

Princess Mono-wha?!

Observing my day while living it at the same time is not always easy. Plus, it's weird. I find myself "watching" myself and the people around me. Now when Samantha makes a series of silly faces to cheer me up, I say to myself, Oh -- this is funny! I should put this in my Five-a-Day List . And then I think, But she makes silly faces all the time. Is this really Five-a-Day worthy? And then I'm like, Well that's absurd. If it's positive, put it on the list! And then I'm all, I think I can do better than silly faces! To which I respond, Better?! You think you can do better than Samantha's silly faces? Well -- bring. it. on! And then I want to hit myself. It's not pretty. So I took a break from watching my life, and during that time I: Worked at my job. Re-arranged the living room, family room, and dining room with Michael. Took Samantha to her first official ballet class and decided it was my intention all along to have her sit on the side and obse...

Tanqueray and Leeks (5-3, 3/3/09)

1 Michael invited me to lunch on Tuesday, knowing I was having a bad morning -- and he offered me his jacket when I forgot mine. :) 2 Samantha tried to sing Puff the Magic Dragon in the car (which was just plain cute), and then she told me she wants to make me happy. 3 This picture from Elizabeth. I especially like our matching mini-dresses (mine is bordering on obscene...) and how we're hugging each other and looking lovingly into each others' eyes. I'm not sure why I have blonde hair, though -- wishful thinking on her part? 4 My friend/coworker spoke up for me when another coworker bombarded me with a work request right as I walked in the door. "Hey, why don't you give her a chance to take her coat off?" she interjected from her adjacent cubicle. Classy. 5 This other picture from Elizabeth. Apparently she decided to grade her school paper, herself. It took me a while before I noticed that "Great Job" was misspelled (sometimes I'm kind of slo...

What's Worse?

In the shower this morning, I noticed this humongous bruise on my leg. So I ask you, what's worse? A. That this bruise is some sort of age-related, burst-vein thingy? or B. That I received a significant blow to the lower knee that I don't even remember? Well, in a situation like this, I think "clumsy and stupid" trumps "aging with vascular issues." So I pick number B. I mean letter B. (Silly me -- I'm just so stupid and clumsy!)

Thank You, Raising Arizona (5-02; 3/2/09)

OK, yesterday's post wasn't exactly positive. While I must admit that the lack of knives during our family squabbles is, indeed, a good thing, it isn't exactly what I had in mind when I decided to write about 5 uniquely positive observations of my day. So here's Monday, again, as seen through rosier-colored glasses. (Also, the secret code in the title means this post contains five-a-day # 2 for Monday -- call me a nerd): 1 Monday morning, Lizzy and I looked out of my bedroom window and she observed the way the branches of our fig tree is similar to the branches of the mulberry tree (yes, ours is a mulberry tree and not a bush which would be normal and practical). Then we noticed that the fig tree now has tiny green leaves beginning to grow. I told her that the fig leaf was one of my favorites. She suggested we go into the yard, collect a bunch of leaves, tape them to pieces of paper, and then draw faces on them. Later, Lizzy, later... 2 The weather was surprisingly won...

When Positivity Takes a Nosedive

Five positive things... positive things... I'm supposed to write about five positive things ... Well, our disagreements with the girls don't involve knives. Does that count? And the big black bus I saw this morning on the way to work, the one with bars on the windows from the San Diego Corrections Unit... well, I wasn't on it. That's good. And the breakfast Elizabeth didn't eat this morning (the 3rd breakfast she's missed in a week due to procrastination and general testing of wills), well at least she had the opportunity to eat, unlike so many other kids around the world. And the coworker standing in front of my cubicle this morning ready to bombard me with a request as I walked in the door... well, at least I have a job. Five positive things... need one more... Oh -- I don't have a fever blister. There. Five positive things. I'm having a bad morning. I'm really struggling with Elizabeth. Where did she get such an iron will?! Generally, it's ...

Five-a-Day: Day 01

I've been very cynical, lately. Events over the last few months, personally and globally, have raised many questions and many of the answers have left a bitter taste in my mouth. Long story short? I've opened a door and entered reality. I won't go into the details (I'll save that for my private blog -- you know, the really interesting one where all the bodies are buried), but I realize I must actively strive for balance, to recognize the good that surrounds me daily. Because as dark as reality can be at times, it is not all dark , and I don't want to forget that. I often read Journey Mama , and she recently decided to join the " Grace in Small Things " challenge to list 5 positive things each day. It can be anything from finishing a marathon (because that happens so often) to realizing your canker sore has finally healed (which happens way more frequently). Here's what I have for Sunday: 1. Adas Polo leftovers. We ate dinner at Bandar on Saturday (a ...