Here’s the conversation I overheard this morning as I selected the girls’ clothes...
Elizabeth: What do they have at Legoland?
I don’t answer because I’m thinking the girls can figure this one out on their own.
Samantha: I know! They have Legos that you can play with.
Elizabeth: Yea! And you can buy Legos there, too.
Samantha: No you can’t. People already have Legos.
Elizabeth: But people can buy them at Legoland, too.
Samantha: No, people already have Legos! Everybody has Legos, so they don’t have to buy them.
Yes, that’s right. When the stork delivers the babies, they come with Huggies, burp cloths, and a box of Legos.
Elizabeth: No! Not everyone has Legos.
Samantha: Yes they DO!
Elizabeth: Strangers don’t. They don’t have Legos so they have to buy them.
Elizabeth: That’s because you don’t know China.
And that settled it.
See, I told you they could figure it out on their own.
I hope you’ll join me in donating your spare Legos to the CCWLF -- Chinese Children Without Legos Fund. Thank you.
the 3-yr-old couldn't remember which they were supposed to be, so she asked her older sister, who was trying to assure her that police were not scary....