Grandma overheard the following conversation between the girls this weekend while they were busy playing at her house:
Lizzy to Samantha: Did Grandma get her hair cut?
Samantha: I dunno.
Lizzy: Mommy cut her hair, too. I don't know why!
Samantha: Grandma isn't wearing her fake hair, but she's wearing her fake teeth.
Lizzy: I'm glad of that!
Samantha: I just pooped.
Mom said she could imagine the girls having nearly the same conversation in an Old Folk's Home someday -- two old ladies gossiping about their neighbor down the hall.
My boys aren't as verbal as that but they still have funny conversations...
'No! Me blue man.'
'No LeeLee! ME blue man.'
'Yellow choo choo?'
'YEAH! Me yellow choo choo'
'Ok, me blue man'
Glad THAT'S settled!
Nothing like a good non sequiter comment to make me laugh harder than I've laughed in quite some time.