The sun is setting. Elizabeth notices the dwindling light and announces, "Mommy, I hate the night.”
“You do? Why?” Are you having nightmares? Are you afraid of the dark? Do you hear strange noises? What?
“I hate the night because I have to sleep.”
Oh, yea. I noticed that was a problem...
“Mommy, I have a bad feeling.”
“Oh no, you do?”
“Yes. I have a bad, bad feeling... that if I don’t get any cheese before bed, I’ll never go to sleep.”
“If you don’t get any cheese?”
“Yes. It’s bad news. I’ve just got a bad feeling.”
“Yea, me too.”
“Mommy, what can I do? I have a gajillion thoughts in my head. I can’t sleep.”
“Try to think nice, calm thoughts -- like drifting in a raft on a lake, or taking a nap in the sun.”
Elizabeth closes her eyes and tries to think soothing thoughts. Then suddenly she opens her eyes and says in exasperation, “Mommy, I can only think fun thoughts!”
“Mommy, I need to talk to you.”
“Oh yea?” I tuck Elizabeth into bed and she takes my hands in her hands and holds them tightly to her chest.
“Mommy, my heart it breaking.”
“It is?”
“Yes, my heart... my heart is breaking. It’s just breaking.”
Oh crap, what’s this about?
“What’s wrong, honey?”
“My heart is breaking because you get to watch TV at night and I have to go to bed. You get to watch TV and I have to stay here. In bed.”
Uh, huh.
“My heart. It’s just breaking.”
Hope you are enjoying your television time!
Love it.
And my heart broke for her and I am sure what is an extremely detrimental lack of tv.