“Well, Matilda’s dead.” I was talking on the phone with my Mom and I looked over to see Michael holding Matilda’s shell in the air while her body dangled limp beneath it. “OH! Crap. That’s awful.” My heart sank. In a matter of seconds, three adults had three opinions as to how to handle the death of our hermit crab. “I wouldn’t mention it,” suggested Grandma. “Remember that episode on King of Queens? (Where the parents tricked the son into believing his dog lived for nearly 30 human years...) You could just keep getting new ones.” I realize it's a popular solution, but what my Mom didn’t know is that I don’t want to get new ones. Once these guys kick the bucket, I think I’m done with crabs for a while. No offense to crab-lovers, but I think a gerbil or Guinea Pig will be our next caged pet. Our family is way too demanding and insecure for hermit crabs -- we need pets that respond . But still, I was not happy that Matilda died and her decomposing body was, well, disturbing. I c...