“Hey! Where are my pants?” That’s Lizzy, suddenly discovering that the black bicycle shorts she wore under her dress are missing. We just picked her up from daycare. “Are they in your cubby?” “No.” “Where are they?” “I forgot.” “Where did you take them off?” “I forgot.” Why do I have a sinking feeling this will not be the first time I hear these words? “You don’t remember? Were you in the bathroom?” “No.” “Were you outside?” “No.” “Were you abducted by aliens who stole your pants?” “What?” “Elizabeth, you had to take them off somewhere. Try to remember.” She stops. She thinks. She sobs. “I want my pants! They’re my f-favorite!” “Honey, they must be at school somewhere. We’ll find them tomorrow.” We arrive home and she retreats to her bedroom to sob into her pillow over the loss of her beloved pants. (Who among us hasn’t done the same?) Eventually she recovers and rejoins the family, only to suddenly remember her MIA pants and then run crying into her room again. Perhaps it’s the GAP ad...